The Effect of Fear of Missing Out on Impulse Buying in the Context of S-Commerce

Ni Luh Debby Maharani Eka Putri, Sulhaini Sulhaini, Akhmad Saufi


This research aims to analyze the influence of Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) on impulse buying and the moderating role of price discounts, focusing on local skincare brands in Indonesian social commerce (s-commerce). The population of this research is female consumers in Indonesia who have bought local skincare products on s-commerce. The sample for this research is 150 people. Data collection was carried out through an online survey using Google Forms. The approach used in this research is associative quantitative, with SEM-PLS used as the data analysis technique. The research results found that FOMO has a positive and significant effect on impulse buying, but price discounts do not strengthen the influence of FOMO on impulse buying.


FOMO, Price Discounts, Impulse Buying

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