The Role of the Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget and the Village Development Index in Reducing Poverty Rates (Cases in Provinces in Indonesia)
This research aims to analyze the influence of the village income and expenditure budget (APBDes) and the village development index (IDM) on poverty levels. APBDes in this study is proxied by the variables of village original income, village funds, village fund allocation, village development expenditure, community development expenditure, and community empowerment expenditure. This research uses 33 provinces in Indonesia for the 2018-2023 period with the panel data regression analysis method. Data was collected from the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency and the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration. The results of this research show that the original village income variable has a negative and significant effect on the poverty level, expenditure in the field of community empowerment, and the village development index has a positive and significant effect on the poverty level. Meanwhile, the variables village funds, village fund allocation, village development spending, and community development spending do not have a significant effect on the poverty level.
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