Rhetoric Analysis Tolerance and Intolerance Posts in Social Media
The research’s title is Rhetoric Analysis of tolerance and intolerance posts in social media. This research focuses on analysing some tolerance and intolerance posts in so many social media platform from Indonesians.The research aims were to analysis tolerance and intolerance posts in social media with rhetoric approach by Aristotle. The methodology used in this research is qualitative with qualitative with descriptive study. Data of the research were collected with text analysis and study of documentation.The results of the research are explained that: from ethos, mostly, have ethos’s aspect which are intelligence, character, and goodwill. Ethos’s aspect from this research mostly dominated by goodwill. Pathos from posts have some emotion such as symphaty, emphaty, sad, dissapoint, shamelessness, unconfidence, fear, anger and hatred. Logos or logic, there are a lot of logical fallacy in the posts such as irrelevant conclusion, argument ad baculum, argumen ad hominem, argumentum ad misericordiam, argumentum ad populum, argumentum ad verecundiam, false cause, amphiboly, and division.
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