Street Naming in Bandung City: Toponymic and Morphological Studies
This article aims to demonstrate the relationship between street naming and the fields of toponymy and morphology. This text aims to elucidate the many categories of toponyms and the process of word construction used in the nomenclature of street naming in Bandung City in Jawa Barat, Indonesia. The research utilizes a descriptive qualitative method. The data about toponymic and morphological analyses is gathered, examined, and described. According to reports, the street naming in Bandung City has two types of toponyms: natural object names hydronyms (43 street names), oronyms (9 street names), and drymonyms (14 street names), as well as nammade object with horonyms (2 street names), oykonyms (4 street names) and urbanonyms (13 street names). About word formation, hydronyms give rise to blending (naming of 31 streets), compounding (naming of 9 streets), and borrowing (naming of 3 streets). On the other hand, oronyms result in compounding (naming of 9 streets) and borrowing (naming of 1 street). Drymonyms are derived from compounding (naming of 11 streets), borrowing (naming of 1 street), and coinage (naming of 1 street). Regarding the manmade objects, there are horonyms (2 street names), oykonyms (4 street names), and urbanonyms (13 street names). About word formation, horonyms give rise to borrowing (naming 1 street) and coinage (naming 1 street). On the other hand, oykonyms result in compounding (naming of 3 streets) and borrowing (naming of 1 street). Urbanonyms are derived from compounding (naming nine streets) and borrowing (naming four streets).
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