Understanding The Word Toki In Japanese Sentence (Syntax Studies)

Abdul Latif Jaohari, Nurza Ariestafuri, Shinta Rindiani


Japanese has various characteristics that are used in everyday conversation. This includes Japanese expressions, vocabulary and sentence patterns. This research focuses on understanding the word 'toki' in Japanese through syntax studies. This research aims to facilitate the understanding of Japanese language learners so that they can distinguish the time when a situation or event occurs in various activities that have been carried out, activities that are being carried out or activities that occur continuously. This research method uses a qualitative descriptive method by collecting data from various sources and analyzing them one by one. This research is able to produce an understanding of the word 'toki' which occurs suddenly due to activities carried out by chance, the word 'toki' which occurs continuously when the speaker carries out an activity routinely and the word 'toki' which indicates the occurrence of an activity. in the past when the speaker expresses past events.


Time; Toki; Japanese; Syntax Studies; Japanese Sentence

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i8.5916


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