The Strength of Prevention from the Minutes of the Shareholders General Meeting Performed through Teleconcerence Media
In the evidentiary law stipulated in the Civil Procedure Law in Indonesia, the letter of evidence is one of the evidences that can be used in the verification trial. Especially if the proof of the letter is an authentic deed, so that it will have the power of external evidance, the power of formal evidance and the strength of material evidance. However, what is the prevention from the minutes of the shareholders general meeting made by the teleconference media as authentic deed. This research is very important to be carried out in connection with several laws and regulations that apply in Indonesia so that there is a harmonization of regulations in terms of evidence from the minutes of the shareholders general meeting conducted through teleconference media.This type of research is normative juridical by using primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. Data collection techniques by reviewing the laws and regulations, jurisprudence and other legal materials contained in the library and conducting interviews with several government agencies related, also interviews with several notaries who have conducted teleconferences in the making of the minutes of the shareholders general meeting. Furthermore, the legal material is processed qualitatively with a legal theory framework to answer the problem of this research related to the strength of prevention of the minutes of the shareholders general meeting made by the teleconference media.The target of this research will be achieved: (i) Strength of the verification of minutes of meetings made before a notary in a conventional manner with the minutes of the shareholders general meeting made by teleconferencing, (ii) analyzing the signature of members of the shareholders general meeting from the minutes of the shareholders general meeting made by the teleconference media.
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