Sociopragmatic Analysis of Witness Illocution Speech in the 2024 Presidential Election Dispute Trial

Yuniasih Yuniasih, Esti Swastika Sari, Prihadi Prihadi, Tadkiroatun Musfiroh


This study will discuss the act of witness illocution in the 2024 Presidential Election dispute trial with a sociopragmatic study, highlighting the use of language in conveying arguments, defending positions, and opposing opponents. The focus on the illocution aspect of court communication shows how language can shape social reality and support a fair and transparent judicial process. This study uses a qualitative approach with case study methods and note-taking techniques to collect and analyze data from video of the 2024 Presidential Election dispute hearing, using a sociopragmatic approach that includes oral discourse analysis to identify language patterns and witness communication strategies. At the trial, witnesses use various forms of speech such as representative, assertive, directive, commissive, and expressive to convey their information, beliefs, instructions, commitments, and feelings, which reflect their social norms and ethics as well as their social role in the courtroom. Compliance with these norms is important to maintain integrity, fairness, and professionalism in the judicial process.



Sociopragmatic; Witness Illocution Speech; 2024 Presidential Election Dispute Trial

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