Initial Needs Analysis of Media Development in Supporting Student’s Critical Thinking Skills at SDN Kedungboto

Dian Permanasari, Suryanti Suryanti, Wahono Widodo


The result of this is that students' critical reasoning skills are not honed. The ability to think critically in children is very important as a provision for student growth and development. In this study, researchers used measuring instruments in the form of questionnaires, observation guideline sheets, and interview sheets. Through interviews, it is known that students have difficulty solving problems and the lack of interesting learning media during learning.  Through observation, it is known that the atmosphere of the class is livelier and students are more enthusiastic when learning is done with electronic learning media. Questionnaires filled out by 68 students in grades IV-VI show that 95.6% of students like learning with electronic media, but teachers more often do learning using whiteboard media with a percentage of 61.8%. According to Latifa, et al (2022), “Interactive learning media has the potential to significantly boost the positive response of students to the learning material presented”. While Jannah, et al (2022) also argued that, “Science teaching in elementary schools needs to keep up with the times because good education is education that always develops following the changing times”. IPAS learning is learning that often requires logical thinking skills. Therefore, the development of this interactive media is suitable in IPAS learning.


Analysis; Media; Critical Thingking

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