Coping with Fundamentalism in a Tolerant Country

Suryo Ediyono, Muhammad Farkhan Mujahidin, Triyanti Nurul Hidayati


Tolerance between religious communities is one way that religious freedom can be protected properly. Freedom and tolerance are the two insparable things. However, what often happens is the emphasis of one of them, i.e., emphasize on freedom that ignores tolerance and attempts to reconcile by imposing tolerance through limiting freedom. To be able to compare the two, a correct understanding of religious freedom and tolerance between religious communities is important in everyday life in society. This is a quantitative research that aims to empirically examine the influence of variables of religious fundamentalism and simultaneous self-control of religious tolerance. This research is expected to provide accurate information about the influence of religious fundamentalism and simultaneous self-control of tolerance for religious people by Muslims, for the right intervention this can be undertaken to increase tolerance.


Fundamentalism; Islam; Tolerance; Religious Freedom

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