Translating Motivational Expressions in Children’s Stories (An Appraisal Theory Approach)

Silfia Andesta Putri, Mangatur Rudolf Nababan, Riyadi Santosa


The research is a descriptive qualitative study, aimed to analyse motivational expressions that contain attitudes in children’s stories. Focus of translation aspects in this research are the using of translation techniques and its impact to translation shifts. The data of this research are obtained from 25 children’s stories in English and its translation in Indonesian. These stories are provided free by online platform named Storyweaver. Document analysis and Focus Group Discussion have been done to collect the data. The result of this research show that the dominant attitude found in motivational expressions is affect, meanwhile there are only a few data contain judgement and appreciation. It implies that motivation in children’s stories is expressed dominantly with feeling. This research also shows that using of some translation techniques can caused translation shifts. Among 15 techniques used to translate motivational expressions, there are two techniques that caused translation shifts. Discursive creation technique caused shift on motivational expression and attitude at the same time, meanwhile paraphrase technique caused shift on type of attitude.


Appraisal; Attitude; Translation; Motivation; Children’s Literature

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