Implementing Code of Ethic and Conflict of Interpretation Among Online Media Journalist in Indonesia
The focus of this research is directed at finding out the understanding of online media journalists from JOIN NTT members regarding the journalistic code of ethics and how this understanding is clearly displayed in professional work activities as a form of responsibility for competent journalists or passing competency tests. This research aims to describe the strategy of online media journalists in NTT who are certified by the Press Council to apply a journalistic code of ethics in their reporting. The research method used is a case study, with snow ball sampling data collection techniques. The results of this research show that the truth of the information in news produced by journalists who have competency certification is part of the application of the journalistic code of ethics in news writing and production. The transparency of reporting in this research is demonstrated through objective reporting, which does not mix in the feelings/subjective elements of the journalists themselves. Journalists who have been certified as competent have truly based the production of their journalistic work on journalistic ethics which will ultimately have an impact on increasing the credibility of the journalists themselves. This research also suggests the development of further research using different methods, perhaps using phenomenology to determine the experiences, meanings and motives of journalists in applying the journalistic code of ethics in their reporting.
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