Campursari Koplo Cultural Practices: Sinden's Body and the Arena of Audience Power

Vici Duta Febriansyah, Sri Kusuma Habsari, Eva Farhah


Sinden is a woman who has the ability to sing Javanese songs who wears a kebaya with make-up. Sinden is the name for the only Swarawati on the stage of Klenengan, Campursari, Keroncong and Wayang kulit performances according to the Gendhing that is presented. Pesinden has an legal control over their bodies and on the other hand it is possible for them to act based on the orders of their power of attorney, namely Penyawer, referring to the dominant views in the media and academic discourse that related to this, it tends to position the sinden profession as a deviant and immoral profession or as someone who is liberated and empowered. This paper strengthens previous studies regarding autonomy, Arenas of Power and negotiation of women's bodies. The aim of this research is to find out how women who works as sinden gives meaning to their bodies; Does sinden determine the direction of her own body or is it controlled by others? This article wants to highlight another aspect of the unique female body, on the one hand it tends to be closely tied to the control of capitalism and patriarchy, but on the other hand it can also be the owner who determines the power over her body.


Arena of Power; Autonomy; Negotiation; Sinden

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