Implementation of Multicultural Islamic Education in Inter-Ethnic Marriage Family in East Kutai Indonesia
This study explores the implementation of multicultural Islamic education in inter-ethnic marriage families in East Kutai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia, an area experiencing increased cultural diversity due to globalization and social mobility. The research employs an ethnographic approach, involving direct observation, in-depth interviews, documentation studies, and group discussions, to understand how these families integrate Islamic values with diverse cultural traditions in their children's education. Findings reveal that inter-ethnic families utilize inclusive educational strategies such as integrating cultural values in religious education, using both local languages and Indonesian, organizing joint cultural and religious activities, and developing inclusive educational materials. These practices help children appreciate and respect cultural diversity, strengthen their cultural and religious identities, and enhance social cohesion within the family. Despite challenges such as conflicting traditions, identity confusion in children, and limited educational resources, the study demonstrates that multicultural Islamic education fosters tolerance, mutual respect, and harmonious family relationships. The research underscores the importance of an inclusive and adaptive educational approach, supported by collaboration among families, educators, and policymakers, to address the complexities of cultural integration and promote social cohesion. These findings contribute valuable insights for the development of multicultural Islamic education and offer practical recommendations for similar contexts.
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