Students’ Perception of the Use of Mother Tongue (L1) in EFL Classes at the Second Semester Student University of Mataram
This study aims to identify and describe students’ perception the use of the Mother tongue in EFL classes by students of the English department in a government university in West Nusa Tenggara. This study employed a survey research design. Questionnaires were used as instruments. Quantitative and qualitative analysis were used as the basis for data analysis. Thirty (30) students in their second semester in the academic year 2022/2024 were involved as the participants of the study. Students were given a questionnaire, which was then rated on a 1-4 Likert scale. Data analysis shows that most teachers speak English in class and only occasionally use Indonesian. Students agree with the teacher's use of mother tongue when necessary. Students also agree that they may speak Indonesian during learning. The students were more active when they were allowed to use Indonesian during learning. The inclusion of L1 helps students learn more motivated and enjoyable. It was found that there was an increase in students' English language skills when English was the language most widely used in class. The students agreed that the more they practice using English, the more their English skills will improve.
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