Conducting Virtual Evidence Examinations in Criminal Proceedings During the Covid-19 Pandemic {Study Perma No.4 of 2020}
The aim of writing this research is to explain the examination of the evidence validity in criminal proceedings virtually conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic and weaknesses in the hearings process. The study findings that the Indonesian Supreme Court has a legal basis to enforce virtual criminal proceedings to address the legal vacuum. Then, the weaknesses in implementing virtual criminal trials are the inadequate quality of internet signals, lack of facilities, trial schedules, defendant attitudes, and other community factors. There is a need to improve, namely conducting evaluations, improving the quality of internet networks, and putting efforts into broadcast trials by broadcasting on television outside the room via live streaming. It is recommended to re-evaluate the course of the teleconference trial to improve the quality of the internet network so that the quality of the video and sound produced becomes clear and also so that online trials can be broadcast on court television and the public can play an active role to participate in overseeing the course of the trial process online. This research uses normative juridical research methods and interviews using literature, legislation and casuistic approaches at the State Court.
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R. Soesilo didalam bukunya KUHP serta komentar komentarnya lengkap pasal demi pasal.
Yahya Harahap , Kitan Undang – Undang Hukum Acara Pidana.
Kitab Undang – Undang Hukum Acara Pidana, penerbit “Kesindo Utama “Surabaya.
Perma No,4 Tahun 2020.
Direktori Mahkamah Agung.
Jurnal Bedah Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Boyolali.
Jurnal SELISIK - Volume 6, Nomor 1, Juni 2020 ISSN:2460-4798 (Print) & 2685-6816 (Online).
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