Women Empowerment in Graphic Design as a Dazzling Revolution

Nurfadilah Nurfadilah, Kasiyan Kasiyan


This article aims to identify the role of feminism in graphic design as an effort in the women's empowerment movement. The method used in this article is a literature study using a relevant literature review approach. The collection of information and data is done by reviewing or reviewing various journals, books, and other sources relevant to the topic of this article. This paper refers to the theory of liberal feminism which emphasizes the importance of fair laws and rights between male and female designers, fighting for equal opportunities in obtaining education, careers, and the right to contribute to the creative industry. Thus, liberal feminism in graphic design prioritizes the importance of individuals and women's rights in gender achievement. This approach or movement seeks to achieve progress through changes in societal systems and regulations that have restricted women's freedom of career and expression. Therefore, feminism in graphic design needs to be voiced to solve problems that hinder the development of feminism in graphic design and be able to encourage a revolution or change in perspective, as well as eroding patriarchal culture so that people can see the skills, opportunities, and charm implied in every work of Indonesian women designers. The results of this literature review are: 1) Society's perception of the role of women and men in graphic design is still influenced by patriarchal culture. The culture that develops in society creates perceptions that trigger the emergence of stereotypes that limit the roles and rights of women in the graphic design industry; 2) Women empowerment strategies can build counter-hegemony awareness of gender discrimination by providing education through education and strengthening competence through design training from an early age. So that with this, it can be a strong foundation for future graphic designers. 3) Women empowerment in graphic design today shows a significant revolution, where women designers in Indonesia have been given the space to fight for their rights and get equal opportunities in working and having a career in the graphic design industry.


Women Empowerment; Liberal Feminism; Graphic Design

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i6.5857


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