Developing a Circle Book to Increase the Effectiveness of Pancasila Education Lessons in Elementary Schools
The research and development carried out aims to produce learning media in the form of circle books that can be used by teachers in Pancasila education lessons in class IV elementary schools. The development of circle books is necessary because the learning media currently used in schools is not yet varied so that learning is not optimal and meaningful for students. The development of circle books is also an alternative media in an effort to instill character education. With the circle book media, it is hoped that knowledge with abstract value can be concretized, making it easier for students to think so that it can be related with life daily. The research model used is the ADDIE model with stages of analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Data collection in this research uses interviews and filling out questionnaires, then the results of obtaining quantitative scores will be analyzed qualitatively through eligibility categories. Based on validation results with an average score of 90, field test results on students with an average score of 77.95 and effectiveness test results which increased by 78, the circle book developed is suitable and effective for use in Pancasila Education Lessons.
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