Development of Video Modelling of Freestyle Swimming in High School Physical Education

Eko Ari Ari Anto, Sugiyanto Sugiyanto, Hanik Liskustyawati


This study aims to develop a video modelling of freestyle swimming in high school physical education (PE). This study uses Borg & Gall research and development (R&D) method which has been developed by Sugiyono that has two stages; pre-development and development stage. Pre-development was including small-scale and large-scale trial experiments which were conducted with five and ten ten-year students, respectively, participated from Batik 1 Surakarta High School. Then, the development stage was included 20 ten-year students of the same school.  They were assigned into two groups randomly. The experimental group, including 10 students, was received the video modelling of freestyle swimming learning materials, while the control group including 10 students was taught by the teacher that consisted of the same learning materials as those used by the experimental group. The result shows that the experimental group has better performance in freestyle swimming technique than the control group. The video modelling is categorized as very good product with 80% percentage score. This means that the video modelling has been properly used and declared as effective freestyle swimming learning media for high school students.


Video Modelling; Freestyle Swimming Technique; High School; Physical Education

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