Deconstructing the Binary Opposition of Characters in the Novel Putri by Putu Wijaya
The objective of this research is to examine the dismantling of the binary contrast between characters and their portrayal in the novel Putri by Putu Wijaya. A concept or set of principles that explains a phenomenon or a group of related phenomena. This research employs Jacques Derrida's deconstruction theory and structural theory to examine the characters and characterizations in the novel. The analytical methods employed are the deconstruction approach and the structural approach. The research data and data sources consist of textual information comprising words and sentences that exhibit binary opposition. The primary data source is derived from the novel Putri Parts 1 and 2, authored by Putu Wijaya. Data collection employs the heuristic reading method, but data analysis employs the hermeneutic method. The analysis of research 1 reveals that the primary protagonist in the novel Putri by Putu Wijaya is a character named Putri, who possesses a multifaceted personality characterized by both internal and external challenges. The research identifies the characteristics of the Putri character as a lady who is both simple and attractive, innocent, kind and compassionate, brave, rational and clever, firm, calm, wise, tough, and strong. The novel Putri by Putu Wijaya explores binary oppositions such as men vs. women, old versus young, adults versus children, affluent versus poor, and rational versus irrational. The novel Putri by Putu Wijaya has a logical inconsistency in its characters and characteristics, particularly in the main characters: Putri, Mangku Puseh, and Ngurah Wikan. This inconsistency manifests as character actions that are incongruous with the portrayal in other sections of the work, resulting in shifts in the character's demeanor.
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