Competency-Based Language Teaching: Personalized learning and Interaction in Speaking Skills Instruction at Grade 4
The study aimed to investigate the implementation of personalized learning and monitoring the progress of students' speaking skills in Competency-Based Language Teaching. Additionally, the study aimed to evaluate the level of interaction created in the class to develop speaking skills in the context of Competency-Based Language Teaching. The study used a mixed-methods approach and a descriptive survey design. A random sample of 97 English teachers was selected to fill out a questionnaire, and six schools were chosen for classroom observation and teacher interviews. The study used various methods to collect data, including a questionnaire, observation, and interview and employed both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods. The results indicated that there was inadequate implementation of the two components of Competency-Based Education, namely personalized learning to monitoring students’ progress in speaking skills. The finding also showed that there was insufficient interaction intended for the mastery of speaking skills competencies. The study recommends that teachers implement Competency-Based Language Teaching components such as personalized learning and monitoring the progress of students learning practically in spoken language instruction. Additionally, there should be adequate interaction in the class to meet the required competencies in speaking skills.
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