Handling Child Victims of Incestuous Sexual Violence by The PPA Unit (A Case Study of Sexual Violence by Biological Fathers at the North Jakarta Metro Police)

Kadek Ayu Widya Lestari, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi, Surya Nita


The process of handling cases of incestuous sexual violence against children by the Child and Woman Protection Unit (PPA) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department begins with the receipt of reports from victims. Investigators provide initial services, including counseling and preliminary assessments. Legal psychology is crucial in understanding victims and compiling strong reports. Investigators use cognitive interview methods and various interviewing techniques. Victim support involves multiple parties, and inter-agency cooperation and coordination are essential to provide optimal protection and recovery for victims. Evaluating the competence of investigators in the PPA Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department based on indicators set by Spencer and Spencer. This evaluation shows that investigators have adequate abilities to handle cases of child sexual violence, including incest. Motivation, physical characteristics, self-concept, knowledge, and skills of investigators are key in handling these sensitive cases. Identifying several challenges in the investigation process of child rape faced by the PPA Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department. These challenges include difficulty in obtaining statements from victims, lack of direct eyewitnesses, and delays in the forensic examination process. However, the PPA Unit of the North Jakarta Metro Police Department ensures that the investigation process is carried out in accordance with applicable legal procedures, considering steps such as notifying the Prosecutor's Office, examining witnesses, preparing reports, conducting investigations, holding case hearings, and using coercion to apprehend suspects.


Incestuous Sexual Violence; Inter-Agency Cooperation; Competence Evaluation

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i5.5819


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