The Influence of Church Spatial Order on the Participation of the People in the Eucharistic Celebration at the Parish Church of Santo Francis Asisi Berastagi
This research aims to determine the influence of church layout on congregational participation in eucharistic celebrations at the St. Francis of Assisi Berastagi Parish Church. The results of the research show that the spatial planning in the parish is as it should be. Spatial planning has a big influence on people's participation because with the correct spatial layout, people can be fully present and participate actively. In the Eucharistic Celebration, Catholics perform various Liturgical acts that reflect their faith and involvement. Actions such as listening, looking, touching. Physically, people also perform physical actions such as standing, walking, genuflecting, sitting, making the sign of the cross, and threshing the chest. The Influence of Church Spatial Planning on Community Participation through sensory and physical actions. The demand for church arrangements is that wherever people are able to hear what is said from the priest's house and can see the religious activities carried out from the priest's house. The church room at St. Fransiskus Asissi Berastagi Parish is provided with a microphone on the altar, a speech pulpit, a place for the conductor to lead songs and a speaker in the congregation's home. So that people can hear clearly what is conveyed from the Imam's House. The arrangements or arrangements for the officers during the Eucharistic Celebration are appropriate so that the congregation can see the liturgical activities carried out in the priest's house without any obstacles.
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