Development of a Gamification-Based Mathematical Literacy Assessment Instrument for Elementary Education Students
This study aims to develop a valid, practical and effective gamification-based mathematical literacy assessment instrument. This study uses a development design or R&D with a 3-D model consisting of 3 stages: define, design, and develop. 3-D model is a derivative of Thiagarajan's 4-D model, but does not include disseminate stage due to the limitations of the researcher. Data collection techniques used are expert validation techniques, questionnaires and tests. The instruments used are expert validation sheets, student response questionnaire sheets in the form of google forms, and mathematical literacy test questions presented on the gamification platform. The results showed that the mathematical literacy assessment instrument developed was categorized as valid based on the validator's assessment, practical from the results of trials conducted on small groups, and effective as seen from the results of tests given to prospective teacher students. Based on the test results, it is known that 81,58% of PGSD UNY students are in the good category after working on the mathematical literacy assessment instrument. The numeracy.
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