The Influence of Environmental Knowledge, Perceived Quality and Sales Promotion on Sustainable Clothing Purchase Decisions
Environmental issues due to the business modelfast fashion as well as increasing consumer awareness of the impact of their purchasing decisions on the environment, has led business players primarily in the fashion industry to implement more environmentally friendly business practices. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether environmental knowledge, perceived quality and sales promotion can influence consumer purchasing decisions for sustainable clothing products. The type of research used is quantitative research, with the number of respondents as many as 80 people. The data obtained through the distribution of online questionnaires were then analyzed using multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the environmental knowledge variable (X1), Perceived quality (X2) partially has a significant effect on purchasing decision for clothing sustainability (Y1). However, the sales promotion variable (X3) was partially found to have no significant effect. Meanwhile, through the F test, it was found that simultaneously the three independent variables had a significant effect on the dependent variable.
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