The Authority of the Village Government in Managing Bumdes to Realize the Welfare of Village Communities
Based on one of the obligations of the village head, namely, to improve the welfare of the community, it is clear that the role of the village head is to help the community in building a more independent and advanced society in the very important area of the community economy. The role of the village head in the field of community economic development, especially in this case, is focused on the village community, such as carrying out coordination, evaluating all the results of activities and businesses in the village, as well as accountability, which are the main factors in the economic development of the village community. The problem formulation in this research is (1)What is the authority of the Village government in managing BUMDes to realize the welfare of village communities?(2)What are the Village Government's obstacles in managing BUMDes to realize the welfare of village communities? The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. Sources obtained from laws, journals, books and related articles. The results of this research areThe role of the Village Head is very important as a helper and supporter in running the Village BUM, especially when there is inadequate human resource capacity in the village to run the Village BUM program. The role of the Village Head is needed starting from the initial establishment, selecting the type of business, assistance in implementing activities and when a situation that is not conducive occurs, the Village Head can take over the operational implementation of the Village BUM. The village government plays a strategic role in strengthening BUMDes.Village Government obstacles in managing BUMDes to realize the welfare of village communities, namelyVillage Government has not yet optimally managed Village-Owned Enterprises. This is demonstrated by the following indicators: Lack of management of BUMDes by the Village Government; There is no innovation carried out by the Village Government in increasing the competitiveness of BUMDes. There is still a lack of socialization carried out by the Village Government to the community regarding the functions, duties and objectives of BUMDes; The lack of community participation in using BUMDes services has become an inhibiting factor in the development of BUMDes.
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