Analysis of the Content of Citizenship Competencies in the Main Textbooks of Pancasila Education At SMP/MTs Level

Feri Rizwan, Dr Sunarso


This article aims to analyze the content of the citizenship competency components in the Main Textbook (BTU) for Pancasila Education at the SMP/MTs level. The method used in this article is qualitative with a content analysis study approach. The results of this article show that the Main Textbook (BTU) for Pancasila Education at the SMP/MTs level contains knowledge competencies, skills, attitudes and values, as well as citizen actions. However, specifically for citizenship skills, it is still not optimal in the Main Textbook (BTU) for Pancasila Education at the SMP/MTs level.


Citizenship Competence; Civic Knowledge; Civic Skills; Attitude and Values; Action Citizen

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