The Dynamics of the Coka Iba Tradition in Commemorating the Prophet's Maulid, A Qualitative Perspective of the People of East Halmahera
The presence of tradition and culture can provide an understanding of the community to ensure the rules that apply in a community group. The coka iba tradition is carried out to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu'alaihi Wa Sallam as a form of expression of the joy of all nature. This article aims to describe the coka iba tradition carried out by the people of East Halmahera during the celebration of the Prophet's birthday. In writing this article, the author uses the literature study methodology, and data collection is done by reviewing articles or journals that have relevance to the topic in this article. The results of this analysis show that: 1) the implementation of the coka iba tradition has undergone quite a lot of changes, starting from the pick-up process, the procession of buying chickens, reading rhymes containing moral advice and reading the book of Barzanji and congratulatory prayers as well as banquet events, 2) the values contained in the coka iba tradition are spiritual values consisting of religious values and moral values, 3) the meaning of the coka iba tradition is a religious or religious meaning seen from the cokaiba/ devil mask which has a total of 99 troops which means 99 names of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala and social meaning which means that in the coka iba tradition there is a process of interaction and as a place to meet, 4) the acculturation of Islamic culture and Gamrange culture can be seen during the procession of the coka iba tradition which always prioritizes the recitation of the names of Allah and recites the Koran, dhikr, recites Islamic verses and the life history of the Prophet Muhammad.
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