The Effects of Game-Based Aerobic Gymnastics Element Training on Improving Arm Strength, Balance, and Flexibility in Athletes Aged 7-8 Years Old
The primary objective of this research is to assess the impact of game-based aerobic gymnastics element training on improving arm strength, right-left balance, and right-left flexibility in 7-8-year-old athletes. Additionally, the study aims to investigate the correlation between the game-based aerobic gymnastics element training method and improvements in arm strength, right-left balance, and right-left flexibility in athletes aged 7-8 years. This research employs a quasi-experimental design method with a nonequivalent control group design. The study population includes all 36 individuals comprising aerobic gymnastics athletes aged 7-8 years from the Gunungkidul aerobic gymnastics club and gymnasts aged 7-8 years who have participated in the DIY gymnastics festival. Purposive sampling is utilized for sampling in this study. The research findings reveal the following: (1) Significant impact exists on arm strength, right-left balance, and right-left flexibility in 7-8-year-old aerobic gymnast athletes through training with a game-based aerobic gymnastics element training model, evidenced by an F value of 4.082 and a statistically significant p-value of 0.006 (<0.05). The experimental group utilizing the game-based training method demonstrated superior enhancements compared to the control group employing regular element training. (2) A significant interaction is observed in the balance of aerobic gymnastics athletes aged 7-8 years when using the game-based aerobic gymnastics element training model, supported by an F value of 80.931 and a highly significant p-value of 0.000 (<0.05).
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