Adolescents Antisocial Behavior and Their Academic Performance: The Case of High Schools in Jimma Town
The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between antisocial behavior and academic achievement of high school students in Jimma town. Participants were 524 students 14-19 years old from government and private secondary schools. Cross sectional research designed was employed. Primary and secondary data were sources of this study. Results indicate that academic achievement was negatively associated with antisocial behavior. The result also shows that there is no significant difference between government and private schools in correlation of academic performance and antisocial behavior.
The result also showed that there is a significant difference between male and female students’ academic achievement and antisocial behavior engagement, which is strong in male participants than female participants. To conclude the result showed there is a significant negative correlation between academic achievement and antisocial behavior. Therefore, the researchers recommends further studies to be conducted in the area, teachers also have to implement behavioral monitoring and modification strategies in secondary schools to minimize behavioral problem among students. Teachers, parents and other parties work together for better improvement of students’ academic and behavioral improvement.Keywords
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