Unlocking Ancient Desires: Validating the Sensual Secrets of Sprue Medication From Javanese Manuscripts
The preservation of cultural artifacts, such as Javanese manuscripts, is essential for comprehending and appreciating the rich history of communities around the world. The research not only aids in the preservation of Javanese manuscripts but also is an invaluable tool for scholars, conservators, and cultural institutions around the world, fostering a deeper comprehension of the potential advantages and difficulties of utilizing traditional herbs in the field of conservation. To achieve these goals, this study employed philological steps including inventory, description, transliteration, and translation into Serat Primbon Jampi Jawi Jilid I (SPJJ I), Serat Primbon Racikan Jampi Jawi Jilid II (SPJJ II), Serat Primbon Jampi Jawi Jilid IV (SPJJ IV), Serat Memulya Sarira (SMS), and Bab Tetuwuhan ing Tanah Hindiya miwah Dayanipun kangge Jampi (BTTHDJ). The results revealed that the historical use of grains such as fennel, tamarind, black cumin, white cumin, kemukus, coriander and kelabat for curing sprue in those manuscripts have clinical support, while jenitri, black sticky rice, and waron do not yet have scientific supporting evidence. Therefore, these three grains are suggested to be proven clinically.
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