Implementation of the Confiscation and Auction of Assets Convicted in the Jiwasraya Corruption Case to Recover State Losses
This research aims to examine one of the corruption cases at Asuransi Jiwasraya LLC which focuses on confiscating and auctioning the assets of convicts in recovering state losses. The method used in this research is a normative legal research method with a statute approach and a case approach. The results of this research show that in the corruption crime of Benny Tjokrosaputro Asuransi Jiwasraya LLC Number: 2937K/Pid.Sus/2021, the panel of judges handed down the decision to confiscate all properties along with the profits obtained by the convict from the criminal act. The confiscation of assets and auction of property is carried out based on applicable legal provisions as per the court decision. The obstacles experienced by the prosecutor's office in efforts to recover assets resulting from criminal acts of corruption include: assets from the criminal acts of corruption are obscured or transferred to other parties, assets or properties from the criminal acts of corruption are used up, assets from the criminal acts of corruption are in a position as collateral to other parties, and assets from the criminal acts of corruption have been transferred abroad.
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