The Challenges Faced by the Teacher in Clil Classroom: Case Study at Tumbuh Senior High School Yogyakarta

Meridian Saturnus, Margana Margana, Silvia Umrotun Nafiah


Mastering English has been an essential competency for embracing the demands of the contemporary era characterized by the Industrial Revolution 4.0. English emerged as the predominant medium for cross-cultural communication. Despite the implementation of various strategies to improve English proficiency among students in Indonesia, the attained level still fell short of anticipated standards. This gap underscored underlying issues within the teaching methodology, indicating the presence of factors, whether direct or indirect, that influenced the effectiveness of instruction. This study aimed to focus on the challenges teachers face in CLIL classrooms and to overcome the difficulties in language learning in CLIL classrooms at Tumbuh Senior High School. This study was a case study method with a descriptive qualitative inquiry approach, which employed several data-collecting techniques, including semi-structured interviews, observation checklists, and document checklists. The results obtained in the study reveal that teachers face many challenges when using the CLIL method in the learning process. These challenges include teaching preparation stages such as preparing lesson plans, adjusting learning levels to student abilities, organizing learning materials, introducing scientific language, mapping material across levels, and adapting terminology into two languages. The solutions teachers offer in facing these challenges include adapting lesson plans to meet student needs, integrating diverse media, and combining materials to implement teaching strategies effectively. Apart from that, they employ creative methods, adapting materials for student comprehension and avoiding overly academic language, which is crucial, explaining in both English and Indonesian, and using gestures to aid understanding. These strategies demonstrate a commitment to ensuring all students can understand and engage with the material despite language differences.


CLIL; Case Study; Challenge Teacher; Language Learning

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