Improving Paper Quilling Skills of Students with Autism Through Visual Job Sheet Media
This study aims to improve the competence of paper quilling skills through learning with visual job sheet media for class X autistic students at SLB Citra Mulia Mandiri Yogyakarta. This research is a descriptive qualitative research using classroom action research design. The subjects in this study were autistic students in grade X of SLB Citra Mulia Mandiri aged 18 years and 7 months who had difficulty in learning skills, students only received information and instructions from the teacher. The action in this study is a cyclical model. The data collection methods used are tests, observation and documentation. The research instrument used an observation guide. While the data analysis technique uses descriptive qualitative. The results showed an increase in the subject's paper quilling ability. This is indicated by an increase in the pre-test score of the ability to count sums in cycles I and II which exceeds the KKM value, which is ≥ 80. In the pre-test students obtained a score of 13, while in cycle I students obtained a score of 16, and in cycle II students obtained a score of 22 out of a maximum score of 24. If converted into values, at the pre-test stage students obtained a score of 54.2, in cycle I obtained a score of 66.7, and in cycle II obtained a score of 91.7. Overall, visual job sheet media can improve the ability to make paper qulling skills for autistic students at school and have a positive impact, namely learning skills becomes more enjoyable because students learn with pleasure, increase student motivation to learn independently so that the results of children's work are purely their own efforts and can reduce the emergence of tantrums.
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