Improving Vocational Skills Through a Computational Thinking Approach for Mildly Disabled Children
This study aims to improve the vocational skills of making chocolate tempeh for seventh grade tunagrahita children by using the computational thinking learning model. The basic concepts of computational thinking are decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and algorithms. This study uses a class action research method, which consists of 2 cycles with each cycle having stages of planning, action, observation, reflection. The subjects of this study were mild impairment students of class VII at SLB C Wiyata Dharma 2 Sleman, totaling 4 students. Data were obtained by means of observation, performance tests and interviews. The results of observation were analyzed descriptively qualitative while the results of student practice were assessed quantitatively. The results of this study indicate that the skills of making tempeh chocolate for mildly disabled children have increased after the action. In the initial condition, the four students in the skill of making chocolate tempeh had not yet reached the set criteria. After the action in cycle I there was an increase in the achievement of the average score of 16.11, but there was one student who had not reached the minimum completion score and all students were not able to make chocolate tempeh independently. In cycle II there was an increase in the achievement of an average score of 22.77, all students had reached the minimum completeness score. Based on this data, it can be concluded that the computational thinking learning approach can improve the skills of making tempeh chocolate in mild tunagrahita children in class VII at SLB C Wiyata Dharma 2 Sleman.
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