The Use of Flashcards in Learning to Read Braille for Students with Visual Impairments
The ability to read is an important thing to note, because if someone has not been able to unite letters, words and sentences in reading then the message contained in a reading cannot be conveyed properly, including for students with visual impairments. This study aims to determine the use of Braille flashcard media in learning to read braille for students with visual impairments. The implementation of braille reading learning for students with visual impairments using Braille Flashcard media also uses direct practice methods and is assisted by task analysis. The implementation of braille reading learning is carried out repeatedly and continuously at school and at home. The subject in this study has the initials AG is 7 years old and has visual developmental barriers and is totally blind. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study. Data collection techniques with interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the discussion of the implementation of braille reading with Flashcard Braille media, it shows that AG is able to do readiness in reading Braille including sitting position when reading braille, hand position when reading braille, paper position when reading, hand movements when reading braille, fingering, identification of letters or words read. The use of Flashcard Braille media can help improve AG's ability to understand braille letters, finger sensitivity when reading Braille and fluency in reading Braille.
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