The Comparison of External Logical Metaphors in Leveling Books for Children
This study aims to determine the presence and logical meanings of logical metaphors in leveling books for children, focusing on levels 1, 3, and 4 obtained from StoryWeaver and Let's Read on the Penjaring Website. The total number of storybooks examined in this study are 11, consisting of 5 storybooks for levels 1, 4 storybooks for level 3, and 2 storybooks for level 4. The study focuses solely on linguistic aspects, particularly incongruent conjunctions as logical metaphors. The use of these metaphors can pose challenges related to vocabulary not suitable for the target age. To address this, the study applies Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) frameworks on conjunctive relations. Using a qualitative descriptive approach, this multiple-case study employs triangulation through data-collecting methods and source data selection, ensuring trustworthiness. Methods include document analysis and FGD, with source data selected using purposive sampling. Data analysis involves domain, taxonomy, componential, and cultural-theme analysis. The result suggests that there is variation in the use of logical metaphors across different levels of children's books. Level 1 books use logical metaphors less frequently compared to higher levels. Level 1 books use conjunction as circumstance indicate the sequence of events and conjunction as process to show consequence. In contrast, conjunction as a thing is only found in level 3 and 4 books. Additionally, conjunctions as circumstance and process convey various logical meanings more frequently than in level 1. This study also found that conjunction as thing releases means logical meaning. Based on the findings, it is important for writers to consider using logical metaphors, especially in level 1 books, due to readability issues. Therefore, understanding the structure of each level is crucial for creating effective books for children.
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