The Moderating Role of Person-Job Fit on Proactive Behavior on Career Satisfaction of Millennial Workers (Study of Millennial Workers at PT Paboxin)

Mohammad Aqil Riyanto, Anang Kistyanto, Jun Surjanti


This research explores the moderating role of person-job fit in the influence of proactive behavior on career satisfaction of millennial workers (case study of workers at PT. Paboxin). The research method uses quantitative research with SEM using the Smart-PLS application. Data collection methods use interviews, questionnaires, observation and combined methods. The number of research samples used was 156 respondents, namely employees of PT. Paboxin. The research results prove that there is a direct influence between proactive behavior and career satisfaction, proactive behavior and person-job fit, person-job fit and career satisfaction. Apart from that, the research results show that there is a moderating role of person-job fit in the influence of proactive behavior on the career satisfaction of millennial workers at PT. Paboxin. This is proven by the hypothesis p value directly or indirectly, namely p value < 0.050.


Person-Job Fit; Proactive Behavior; Millennial Worker Career Satisfaction

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