The Relation between Good Governance and Human Development in Afghanistan
This research is focusing on relationship between good governance and human development in Afghanistan by using the descriptive-analytical methodology by relaying on library data collection. The hypothesis in this research emphasize on the availability of good governance can promote human progress in Afghanistan. The research findings show that political structure and government managements are essential factors for achieving human developments, and the cooperation between government, civil society, and private sector forms the foundation for human development.Accountability and transparency, political stability, freedom of speech, absence of violence, rule of law, kingship of law, quality of legislation, control of corruption, government efficiency and effectiveness. According to the mentioned indicators for good governance, Afghanistan doesn’t have the ideal position. Based on the foundations of human development, and the international organizations report, beside the significant efforts of private sectors in education, the political structure and human development in Afghanistan faces significant challenges. Enhancing human development requires strengthen partnership among the government and private sectors, along with the bolstering civil society.
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