Management of Religious Tourism at Al-Asy'ariyah Islamic Boarding School in Kalibeber Wonosobo, Central Java, Indonesia
The tradition of pilgrimage to the grave is carried out from generation to generation and passed down from generation to generation until now. This study aims to describe the management of religious tourism at the Al-Asy'ariyah Islamic Boarding School in Kalibeber Wonosobo, Central Java. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study strategy. Data in the form of interviews and observations related to the management or management of religious tourism at the Al-Asy'ariyah Islamic Boarding School in Kalibeber Wonosobo. The results showed that religious tourism management applied the concepts of planning, organizing, implementing, and controlling. The strategic management of Al Asy'ariyah Islamic Boarding School, Kalibeber, Wonosobo through religious tourism at the Raden Hadi Wijaya Tomb illustrates a structured management process. The management process involves several elements including administrators, coaches, and tomb managers for smooth activities. The organization is carried out in a coordinative, structured manner formed between the boarding school management and the tomb manager, both of which have their respective main tasks and functions under the auspices of the caregiver.
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