Artistic Research: Animation Design Adapted from Buya Hamka’s Poetry Literature
This research aims to conceptualize the creation of animation with the object of Buya Hamka's poetry and visualize the creation of animation with the object of Buya Hamka's poetry. This creation is a form of adaptation of Buya Hamka's poetry which has aspects of character education as a culture of national values. This method of research is practice-led research that focuses on the scientific writing of the creation and reflection of new artworks through artistic research. The flow of the creation method uses the pre-image, image-abstract, and image-concrete stages by Hendriyana (2018) with the approach of Graham Wallas' (1926) creative process theory in his book The Art of Thought. The creative process involves four stages: preparation, incubation, illumination (inspiration stage), and verification (proof or testing stage). This research conducted the process of exploration and experimentation approach from empirical experience. The results of this research show the concept of animation creation in the form of designing works in the form of poetry animation and visualization using digital audio-visual techniques. This animation is conceptualized technically with the same title as the poetry “Biar Mati Badanku Kini". The target audience is children aged 12-15 years, which is equivalent to junior high school level. Therefore, this animation hopes to represent the poetry by Buya Hamka and become a way to convey education, messages, ideas, and feelings contained in it. This animation is done with a canvas layer size of 48x27 cm with a total of five scenes.
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