Innovative Adaptations of Dance Performances at the Yogyakarta Palace during the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic poses challenges to the world of performing arts, especially dance performances. Dance events that gather crowds were halted due to adherence to government recommendations to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Nevertheless, the Yogyakarta Palace managed to persist in showcasing their dances during the pandemic. Therefore, this article seeks to describe the response of the Yogyakarta Palace in addressing the challenges of dance performances during the pandemic. This is deemed important to provide insights into the creativity of artists in adapting the presentation of a dance during the pandemic to ensure its continued existence. This research takes the form of qualitative research with a performing arts approach predominantly based on literature studies. The Kraton Jogja YouTube account serves as the main data source to understand the innovative adaptations made by the Yogyakarta Palace. Comparative studies are employed to identify the differences in the presentation of dance before, during, and after the pandemic. The goal is to ascertain the efforts of innovative adaptation undertaken. The research indicates that innovative adaptation is carried out through creative costume design, audience engagement in dance events, and the utilization of internet technology advancements through virtual dance performances on the YouTube channel. As an adaptive effort, these creations are aligned with government regulations related to the containment of the spread of the Covid-19 virus. These innovative adaptation efforts bring about significant changes to the established ways of presenting dances at the Yogyakarta Palace.
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