Problems, Solutions, and Treatments Text Translation

Qusay Mahdi Mutar, Jassim Rasheed Halo


If culture is the source and method of creativity and manifestations of civilized society, then translation is an effective way to convey these aspects. The same applies to the definition of this method and creativity in another civilization. This issue will only be achieved by accessing this culture and getting to know it well. Likewise, when transferred, that process must be subject to honesty and accuracy, so that its privacy and important features are preserved. For this, the translator must know the meanings and rationale of the translated text, and other technical matters related to it. The same applies to the linguistic and cultural background of the translated text. The core of the translator's duty is to transfer the meaning or idiom from one language to another. The language usually contains what is implied by the person speaking or speaking in two tongues, or rather in two or more languages, and this stems from or comes from the interference that occurs as a result of the mixing that occurs by using a morphological, grammatical or linguistic system for a particular language during the process of using the conversion to another language. This change usually takes place at several levels, such as the grammatical and syntactic level, as well as the semantic level, and this case is called linguistics (linguistic overlap). Translation as a whole is a complex process that only those who are doing this effort or work realize, and therefore, the suffering of translators can only be felt by their peers in this arduous field. Whoever undertakes this work must be fully aware of the risks of this task and how there are intended or unintended translation errors that lead to the loss of rights and property of people, entities, or countries. Therefore, we are certain that the translator's duty is no less important than the fighter's duty on the battlefield, as both of them fight with their front and title and bear heavy responsibility.  


Text Translation; Problems; Solutions and Treatments

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