Handep Hapakat Culture, a Social Phenomenon in Malan/Farming in Katimpun Village, Mantangai District, Kapuas Regency, Central Kalimantan

Fimeir Liadi, Fahmi Fahmi, Abdurrahman Abdurrahman


Hapakat is a motto of Ngaju Dayak people that has been rooted down from generation to generation, which was originally used to open land for farming (Malan/Ngaju). This culture is a culture of deliberation of tribesmen led by the Customary Chief (demang) in 1. Determining the start time of farming; 2. determining the boundaries of field land 3. Determining the borrowing of field land. This deliberation is full of kinship because Dayak people in the past lived in Betang houses and it was easy to deliberate. Nowadays they live in each house, and the deliberations are held in the Demang's house or in Balai Basarah (a place of worship for Dayak Kaharingan residents). Batana (Farming) Tana, (mit ciner Zahl: katana,) Feld, Keissfold. - Manana, auf dem Felde arl)eitcn; (gcbriiuchli- cher: raalun;) irgeodwo cin Fold machen. or Malan (maimbul parei/planting rice) is one of the livelihoods of the Ngaju Dayak community. Farming in the concept of Ngaju Dayak thought and culture and Dayak in general is not a matter of forest logging or shifting cultivation as it is stigmatised. In the perspective of the Ngaju Dayak people, farming is a process to breed rice as a manifestation of Dewi Sri or the Goddess of Rice. Rice was originally the food of the Sangiang who were stolen by Princess Jampa from Mahatala because the princess was sorry to see human life on earth. Therefore, it is not allowed to waste paddy, rice, or rice because it has a spirit called gana. Katimpun village is one of the villages in Mantangai sub-district on the Kapuas River. The population of Katimpun village is 442 males and 420 females, totalling 862, with an area of 70 square kilometres and wet and dry moorland. The majority of Katimpun villagers are farmers and planters, and on average own at least 1 hectare of agricultural and plantation land, some even own up to 5 hectares.


Culture; Handep Hapakat; Malan

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v11i1.5698


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