Determinants of Adoption of Financial Technology and Its Impact on the Performance of PT Bank NTB Syariah
Financial technology or what is often called FinTech, is the result of a combination of financial services and technology which started from the traditional system of meeting face to face and carrying a certain amount of money, now being able to carry out long distance transactions in just a matter of seconds. This research is causal associative research, with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were banking employees at Bank NTB Syariah. Determining the number of samples was by the number of question items used in the questionnaire so 200 samples were obtained in this study. Next, the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM) with smart PLS 3.2.9 and SPSS software was used to analyze the research data. The study's findings indicate that Employee capabilities positively influence FinTech adoption as skilled employees can effectively utilize technology to boost bank performance. Financial resources also drive FinTech adoption, with well-funded banks more likely to embrace new technology. Performance expectations drive adoption, while risk aversion hinders it. Competitive and customer pressures further encourage FinTech adoption, leading to improved banking performance, as seen in Bank NTB Syariah.
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