Criticism of Theory of Prophet's (PBUH) Learning from Monk Buhairᾱ'
The journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to Bilād al-Shām (Levant) and meeting with the monk Buhairᾱ' is one of the famous stories in the history books in recent centuries. Some orientalists, citing this meeting, have tried to identify Buhairᾱ' as the teacher of the Prophet (PBUH) and to adopt the teachings of Islam from Judaism and Christianity. This article, while presenting the opinions of orientalists about the learning of the Prophet (PBUH) from Buhairᾱ', criticizes this point of view and examines the role of Sunni traditions in creating this view. Using analytical-critical method based on rational and historical reasons, it has tried to prove that the opinion of orientalists has no scientific basis and is false for many reasons, some of which are as follows: not accepting the story by researchers; distortion of the sanad of these narrations; the existence of many differences and contradictions of some parts of the story; the Prophet's (PBUH) illiterate ('ummῑ) personality and the short duration of the meeting; not using the story by enemies of the Prophet (PBUH), Jews, and Christians; the existence of many differences and contradictions in the Jewish and Christian beliefs with the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH); and the miracles and challenges of the Qur'an on the inability of others to imitate it. Moreover, even if the meeting of Prophet (PBUH) with Buhairᾱ' happened, there was no reason for the Prophet (PBUH) to learn from him.
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