Advocate Legitimacy as Optimization in Fair Law Enforcement in the Multi-Bar Era
The birth of the Law on Advocates was the result of a long struggle since the Dutch colonial period, where previously the legal position of advocates did not have a clear function in the legal system and judicial system. In the post-independence period, one by one organic laws in the field of justice and judicial power were fully implemented. Various organizations that oversee advocates have emerged, one of the most famous of which is Balie van Advocaten, which later changed to the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADIN) in 1963. This type of research is normative which uses a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. Results / Findings / Novelty of the Research: The legislative approach is through a legal review of Law No. 18 of 2003 concerning Advocates and also the Role of Advocates / Legal Advisors as part of Providing Legal Aid in the Criminal Justice System regulated in Law No. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid. In order to increase coordination and synchronization of law enforcement components in the criminal justice system in Indonesia, KMA Letter No.73/KMA/HK.01/IX/2015 has been revoked.
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