Digitalization Breeds Technocentric to Dehumanise Behavior in the Classroom and Dragged into the Arts
This article aims to reveal the impact of the digitalization phenomenon dominating the classroom. Interestingly, the phenomenon needs to be explored more deeply so that each individual can see the impact of today's digitalization. The method used in exploring the phenomenon is library research, while the collection of information and data is done by reviewing and/or exploring many journals and other sources that are considered relevant to the topic of this article. The results of the study obtained are: 1) The power of digitalization that has dominated the classroom nourishes technocentric behavior where technocentrism adherents assume that everything in this world can be overcome by technology; 2) technocentrism that is in power turns the attention of 21st-century educators, instead of focusing on meeting the needs of students, educators are busy showing off the sophistication of technology in the classroom in the learning process. Educators glorify the use of technology in all forms of learning practices, which makes educators complacent and forget that these actions help drag students into the abyss of technocentrism, which ultimately worsens the social skills of each learner because they are accustomed to sitting, being silent, and only interacting with inanimate objects; 3) Not only educators, technocentrism also permeates learners. The inherent behavior makes learners more individualistic and selfish. This attitude is shown by minimal interaction, little direct communication, difficulty adapting, loners, and feeling that everything can be solved by themselves. As a result of this phenomenon, it leads to less concern for the surrounding environment, weakens empathy, and nourishes dehumanizing behavior in each individual. 4) Not only that, technocentrism also drags down the field of art. Artistic activities such as exhibitions are conducted virtually. Unfortunately, this has decreased the quality and satisfaction of the audience. In terms of quantity, there are indeed many visitors, but not the quality of the exhibition itself.
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