Revitalization of Terbang Bandhung Art Through Interactive Learning Media Based on Android Applications for High School Students in Pasuruan City
Revitalization of traditional arts, such as Terbang Bandhung, is an important step in preserving local cultural heritage. In the midst of modern era and digitalization, traditional arts are often marginalized by the dominant global popular culture. This article discusses the revitalization of the art of Terbang Bandhung using an interactive learning media approach aimed at high school students in Pasuruan City. Through audio recordings, videos, and the use of modern technology, this learning program enables students to understand, appreciate, and actively participate in the art of Terbang Bandhung. Concrete steps, such as the process of data collection and rehearsal, recording and documentation, evaluation, application making, media application. Learning media for the art of Terbang Bandhung should be applied to high schools in Pasuruan City to ensure that this art remains alive and relevant in the midst of changing times. By integrating interactive learning media in formal education, this article designs a plan that can reawaken students' interest in traditional arts, as well as maintain the sustainability of local cultural heritage so that it does not drown in the swift flow of the modern era and digitalization.
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