The Effect of Permissive Indulgent Parenting, Social Media Usage, and Peer Interaction on the Moral Development of Adolescent Junior High School Students in Kecamatan Langsa Kota
This study aims to analyze the effect of: (1) permissive indulgent parenting, the use of social media and peer interaction on the moral development of adolescents, (2) permissive indulgent parenting on the moral development of adolescents, (3) the use of social media on the moral development of adolescents, (4) peer interaction on adolescent moral development, 5) permissive indulgent parenting and use of social media on adolescent moral development; (6) permissive indulgent parenting and peer interaction on adolescent moral development; (7) the use of social media and peer interaction on the moral development of adolescents.The method used was quantitative with a correlational research design. The sample size was determined using Slovin's formula with a population of 1800 and a sample size of 327. The sampling technique used was proportional stratified random sampling. Data collection involved several scales, including permissive indulgent parenting scales, social media use scales, peer interaction scales, and adolescent moral development scales. Data analysis was conducted using multiple linear regression analysis, accompanied by several assumption tests, namely normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The results of this study indicate the following: (1) Permissive indulgent parenting, social media use, and peer interaction significantly influence adolescent moral development. This means that collectively, permissive indulgent parenting, social media use, and peer interaction can predict adolescent moral development. (2) Permissive indulgent parenting has a negative and significant effect on adolescent moral development. (3) The use of social media has a positive and significant impact on the moral development of adolescents. (4) Peer interaction also has a positive and significant impact on adolescent moral development. (5) permissive indulgent parenting and the use of social media has a significant effect on the moral development of adolescents; (6) permissive indulgent parenting and peer interaction has a significant effect on adolescent moral development; (7) the use of social media and peer interaction has a positive and significant effect on the moral development of adolescents.
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