Investigating the Impact of Dimensions of Green Hotels Advertising on Verbal Advertising and Persuading Customers with the Mediating Role of Encouragement, Cognitive and Effective Advertising (Case Study: Homa Hotels in Tehran)
The purpose of this research is Investigating the effect of green advertising dimensions on verbal advertising and persuading customers with the mediating role of encouraging and effective advertising in Homa Hotel in Tehran. The current research in terms of purpose is applied research and in terms of the nature and method of data collection is descriptive-survey. This research is cross-sectional in terms of time. The statistical population of this research was formed by all the customers of Homa hotels in Tehran, considering that it is not possible to obtain an accurate estimate of the number of customers, the size of the population is considered unlimited, and since the population is unlimited, to determine the statistical sample of Cochran's formula was used and the sample size was determined to be 384 people. The sampling method in this research is a simple random sampling method. In this research, all the research hypotheses were confirmed except for these two hypotheses which were not confirmed. "Green advertisements of hotels have an effect on persuading customers with the mediating role of encouraging them to use Homa Hotel in Tehran.”, was not approved. Also, the hypothesis "green advertising of hotels has an effect on convincing customers with the mediating role of effective advertising in the use of Homa Hotel in Tehran" was not confirmed.
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